by FlexDigital

Auto & Vehicles


This App simulates that your Electric Motorcycle has a FUTURISTIC ENGINE IN THE STYLE OF THE FAMOUS MOVIE "TRON" ... it explains everything you have to do, it is very simple, you connect it via Bluetooth with your Motorcycle (This way you can hear by the motorcycles horns) and Activate the GPS (LOCATION), that way the App knows at what speed you are going, the faster it will emit the sound of the engine accelerating according to the speed it is going, GIVING THE SENSATION THAT YOU MOTORCYCLE HAS A FUTURISTIC ENGINE, IN ADDITION TO PROVIDING GREATER ROAD SAFETY, SINCE PEDESTRIANS WILL ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOU COMING ...In addition, the application has other tools that make it very useful if you are the owner of an electric motorcycle ... among these tools you will find:Analog OdometerDigital OdometerCount milesSpeeding alert. In order to increase the performance of your battery, this function will be very useful.Average speed counterChronometerCalibrate Battery Alert. This very useful feature to help you keep your battery always calibrated for longer life.You can find different versions!For Electric Motorcycles model Scooters: Sports Model Electric Motorcycles (MotoGP):